Lifetime Warranty

When you buy a product or a “thing”; sometimes you get a warranty.  It maybe for 90 days, one year or even ” Lifetime”. If the product breaks, you bring it back during the warranty period.

How does this work with people? Does our life get a warranty?  Depends on how you look at it.  I often say “We only get one chance at this thing we call Life”.  Do our best and do it the right way.  What I mean essentially is be a good person.

I truly believe in Karma and what goes around comes around.  Pretty simple stuff.

I listened to a podcast this morning that I will talk about down the road.  It has to do with our upcoming generation as they are called millennials.  Have a great day and stay tuned.






Author: fromtheshedblog

I enjoy the simple things in life. My hobbies include golf, camp fires, landscape projects, mowing grass and working at my hobby farm. I enjoy time with my wife and our two children and taking advantage of a blessed opportunity.

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