
The lows tonight in northern MN are to tip down to about -15 tonight.  Yep; that is cold!  I am on out local fire department and just came home from a call.  Thankfully there was only smoke and no fire and the source was identified and remedied.  

After my parents divorced when I was 9 years old, my dad resided in a small house in town.  He would heat with a wood stove.  When the stove was “stoked”; it would be over 80 degrees in the little shanty and the sound of dried tamarac crackling throughout the house was cozy.  

My dad would always say “If you have a roof over your head and a warm house; you don’t need anything else.  Thanks for the words of wisdom Dad.  Not only is my shed warm tonight, but so is the house under the roof that is keeping your precious grandchildren warm.  Thanks for your guidance.

Author: fromtheshedblog

I enjoy the simple things in life. My hobbies include golf, camp fires, landscape projects, mowing grass and working at my hobby farm. I enjoy time with my wife and our two children and taking advantage of a blessed opportunity.

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